CASEE - The ICA Regional Network for Central and South Eastern Europe

The Life Science Universities of Central and South Eastern Europe are the basis for sustainable, ecological and economic development of the region.

The network to support the implementation of the EU strategy for the Danube region

The network to develop joint research, educational and other projects (e.g. joint curricula, know-how transfer)

The network to strengthen research, educational and university development in the Danube region

EFNet Staff Training 2019

EFNet Staff Training 2019

The 2nd International EFnet staff training on Multiyear trials with fruits, grapes and field crops


The training is an opportunity to share knowledge and innovations in multiyear field experiments. The focus of training is on multiyear trials with different crops (fruits, grapes, field crops). Also, training should emphasise the role and necessity of existence of Experimental fields in case of multiyear trials and, at the same time, the importance of multiyear trials in agriculture, especially with crops like fruits and grapes.

The training is only for CASEE members’ employees, PhD students and postdocs who have or would like to establish multiyear trials in their research.

When and where: Between Sept 9-12, 2019 at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture (experimental station „Sremski Karlovci“ and Experimental station „Rimski Šančevi“), Serbia.

Main topics:

  • Soil management under different crops in multiyear trials
  • Testing cultivars and rootstocks
  • Preservation and usage of natural resources – genebanks and breeding programs

Please register via e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 20th of August 2019 the latest!

More details available in attached PDFEFnet_staff_training_2019.pdf

The Training is free of charge, however, some meal and local transportation cost will be charged.

Training venues: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Experimental station “Sremski Karlovci” and Experimental station “Rimski Šančevi”.


ivzw - International Non-Profit Organization
Registration number (ondernemingsnummer): 0546.953.997
