Fund for Incentives
One of the core objectives of CASEE is to act as a platform for developing joint educational / research / capacity-building projects.
To encourage and promote promising new initiatives in line with the overall network objectives and stipulated areas of cooperation, a Fund for Incentives has been established.
So far, the following projects have been funded:
- 2024:
- Advancing agroecology in higher education of CASEE Countries; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Towards Resilient Agriculture; University of Zagreb
Digitalization for Life Sciences; Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- 2023:
- Strengthening Agriculture in the Danube Region: from Nature-Based Solutions to Gender Equality; University of Novi Sad
- Round table: Performance - a determining factor in the sustainable development of rural areas, Technical University of Moldova
- Digitalization for Life Sciences; Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Droughts and desertification threats to ecosystem services in agriculture; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- 2022:
- Participatory research of status improvement of wetland; Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
- 2021:
- Participatory research of status improvement of wetland; University of Zagreb
- Ecosystem Services within an Agricultural Landscape; University of Novi Sad
- Biogas prospects in CASEE countries – researching the potential from Czechia, Poland and Hungary, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- Legacy effect of earthworm enhancement on wheat production in Hungary, Austria and Serbia – A follow-up experiment; University of Novi Sad
Bio-system for cereal by-products-derived antioxidants production; University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca
- 2020:
- Earthworm enhancement of Lumbricus terrestris in long-term soil tillage trials in Hungary, Austria and Serbia - Staff training and three parallel field trials; Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
CASEE Summer School "Food Environment and Health Risk Assessment in Danube Region (DanubeFEHRA) – 29.6. - 11.07. 2020"; Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
- 2019:
- Current status and future perspectives of multi-year trials with fruit, grapes and field crops; University of Novi Sad
CASEE Summer School "Landscape change in the modern age: from19th century towards today´s landscape"; Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- 2018:
- Summer school "CASEE Intensive Summer Course: Sustainable Food Production Chain (Acronym: ISC-CASEE)”: coordinated by the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- EFNet staff training: Set up and management of field trials to determine ecosystem services; University of Life Science and Natural Resources, Vienna
- 2017:
- Summer school "Ethics, Quantity and Quality Assurance in Agriculture, Food Production and Food Technology": coordinated by the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture
- Determining the influence of cover crops on soybean production and environmental life cycle assessment: coordinated by BOKU
- 2015:
- Winter School "Biotechnology and Food Sciences" coordinated by the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (€ 2.000)
- "EFNet - Meeting 2015". Meeting of representatives of experimental farms within the CASEE network: coordinated by BOKU (€ 2.500)
- "Machinery induced compaction of agricultural soil and mitigation strategies in the Danube Region": coordinated by BOKU (3.500)
- 2014:
- Summer School "Plant and Fish Biodiversity in the Danube Delta": coordinated by the University of Agriculture Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj - Napoca (USAMV) (€ 7.250)
- 2013:
- "The Soil Resources in the Danube Region: Threats and Opportunities for Sustainable Soil Use" : coordinated by BOKU (€ 5.000)
- "Intercultural Learning with Focus on Sustainable Agriculture, Food Production and Food Protection in the Danube Region" : coordinated by USAMVB Timisoara (€ 5.000)
- 2012:
- "European Studies Week" : coordinated by the National Agrarian University of Ukraine (€ 2.885)
- Summer School "Climate Change and Natural Resource Management" : coordinated by the University of Zagreb (€ 4.500)
- "Mechanization and Energy Use in Selected Arable Farms in Central and South Eastern Europe": coordinated by BOKU (€ 4.500)
- 2011:
CASEE-In- Project
"Internationalizing CASEE network by introducing innovative mobility activities and defining quality criteria"
In December 2015, a new CASEE project was funded by the IMPULSE program of OeAD (Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research): CASEE-In. The aim of the project is to develop guidelines for internationalisation of universities and e-learning courses to prepare Master students for presentations at scientific conferences.
The project consortium consists of University of Zagreb, Szent Istvan University of Gödöllö, Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael 1st” of Timisoara, State Agrarian University of Moldova in Chisinau and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna as coordinator.
Further information on the project will soon be available on the website
CASEE Projects in the frame of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
CASEE is one of the few academic networks mentioned in the EU Strategy for the Danube region (EUSDR) and is actively involved in the Priority Area 7: Working Group on Higher Education and Mobility.
Currently CASEE actively participates in the PA 7 flagship project: “Danube River REsearch And Management – DREAM”. Subproject: SEDDON: Sediment Research and –management at the Danube River (part of activity 1 of the flagship EUSDR project DREAM)