Registration to CASEE conference is now open

Registration to CASEE conference is now open

The CASEE Board and the University of Sarajevo (Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences) warmly invite and highly encourage all staff members and PhD students from CASEE universities to submit an abstract for an oral/poster presentation for the 10th CASEE Conference held under the main theme “The role of life science universities in redirecting land use from threat to guardian of ecosystem”

REGISTRATION OPEN! You can register to CASEE Conference via this link.

The abstracts are to be submitted into these subtopics:

  1. Modern agriculture and rural development (including landscape planning)
  2. Renewable resources – opportunities and constraints (including forests and biotechnology)
  3. Sustainable food systems and food quality
  4. Environmental safety and climate change
  5. New challenges in animal science and veterinary medicine
  6. Experimental farm/stations experience (for those who will participate in EFnet workshop – see at the end of the call)

Keynote speakers:

  • Dr. Barbara Birli (Environment Agency Austria)
  • prof. Dr. Aleksandra Nikolić (University of Sarajevo)
  • prof. Hamid Čustović (University of Sarajevo)
  • assoc. prof. Dr. Kristina Janečková Molnárová (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague)
  • Dr. Iris Cacilia Bohnet (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague)

For the detailed information about the conference (incl. programme) and registration visit:

All staff members from CASEE universities and colleagues from other research institutions in CASEE countries are invited to submit an abstract by 05 February 2019. The participation in the conference and the presentation of the papers/posters will provide a feedback for the authors to improve the papers in order to be submitted into various journals (some of them are listed below). Therefore the conference aims not only to discuss its topic and subtopics but also to assist the participants in improving their papers for the submission in many journals. The submission will depend on the guidelines of the journals. For the possibility of publishing the papers see this link.

Special information for PhD students

PhD students from CASEE universities are specially invited to submit an abstract for a poster or oral presentation in one of the 6 subthemes of the conference. The conference is a great opportunity to discuss their research findings in an international community because it provides an international feed-back. The extended deadline for the submission of the abstracts is January 21, 2019. Up to 20 PhD students with full papers accepted by the conference scientific board will be exempt from the conference fee (deadline of these full paper submission to CASEE Secretariat /This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./ is May 1, 2019; the students will be notified about the acceptance of their abstract by March 31, 2019 latest). 

Online submission: from 21 November 2018 to 05 February 2019.

Only abstracts submitted online can be accepted!

Instructions for preparation of abstracts

  • Abstracts and papers/posters must be written in English.
  • Abstracts should contain the aim of the paper/poster, essential results and a brief conclusion. The authors are advised not to make the abstracts too short or too general (the size of the abstract is 1500 – 3500 characters, including spaces).
  • Abstracts must include 3-5 keywords, separated by commas.
  • Abstracts should not contain tables, graphs, drawings, etc.

The abstracts of all oral presentations and posters will be published in a CASEE Conference 2019 Book of Abstracts.

A special call to participate in CASEE Experimental farm network (EFnet).

CASEE experimental farm network (EFnet) will organize a special network during the CASEE conference in Sarajevo. All interested persons are warmly invited to discuss various topics related to experimental farms/stations and submit their abstracts if they are appropriate for the workshop. The issues discussed during the workshop are:

  • Presentation of the experimental farm/station of the hosting university in Sarajevo
  • Presentation of any experimental farm/station of participants
  • Presentation of the next staff training
  • Aims and achievements of EFnet
  • Results from long-term trials
  • Experiences in teaching practical courses
  • Methodology in field experiments

A special call to participate in TROP ICSU project workshop

A climate change education project, TROP ICSU (, has been initiated as a global project with an aim to improve awareness of climate change among students by developing teaching aids for teachers at the high school (secondary school) and undergraduate (Bachelor's degree) levels. To provide detailed information on how to use these educational resources in regular teaching and to seek their collaboration to review/improvise and expand our education resources, a workshop for teachers of all disciplines will be organized. Workshop duration (following the keynote speech in the morning) is about one hour. It includes an introduction into the resources available on the TROP ICSU web site and a trial version of one of the simulators and feedback discussion. Participants are required to have their own laptops.