Where does the Danube Region row to?

Where does the Danube Region row to?

Two position papers have been recently elaborated in the context of the two pilot actions supported by Danube-INCO.NET project (a Coordination and Support action to address the EU Strategy for the Danube Region in the field of Research and Innovation):

"DANUBIONET position paper for the development of Bioeconomy in the Danube region"


"Bioeconomy for the Danube region"

DANUBE-INCO.NET is a  coordination and support action funden under the 7th Framework Programme and addresses the official EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) in the field of research and innovation (R&I). By joining forces from 19 project partners under the coordination of the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), Danube-INCO.NET seeks to overcome obstacles hindering the social and economic development of the Danube region.

Both Pilot Activities focused on the topic of bioeconomy, more specifically on the development of a Danube macro-regional approach to support the transition to bioeconomy. Indeed, notwithstanding the relevant availability of biomass, all Danube countries, with the exception of Germany and Austria, have not yet developed a comprehensive, inter-disciplinary bioeconomy strategy. Thus, Danube-INCO.NET Pilot Activities could be seen as a first attempt to initiate a debate on bioeconomy at macro-regional level, which could be supported by EUSDR through, for instance, the establishment of a cross-sectoral Working Group open to representatives of various Priority Areas. Pilot Activities were finalized by the end of 2016: altogether, they organized three Strategy Workshops and 2 Open Innovation Events, and carried out one online consultation and one survey, the latter gathering almost 100 answers from stakeholders in the Danube Region.