Group pictures CASEE Conference Nitra

Session V

  • Session I: “Modern agriculture and rural development (including landscape planning)”
  • Session II: “Renewable resources – possibilities and constraints (including forests and biotechnology)”
  • Session III: “Sustainable food systems and quality”
  • Session IV: “Environmental safety and climate change”
  • Session V: “Agricultural engineering” (in cooperation with ATAE, implementing a new partnership into the CASEE conferences)
  • Poster Session
  • “Experimental Farm Network (EFNet) Workshop”

Chair: Dr. Igor Kovacev, UNIZG, Croatia

Co-chair: Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Andreas Gronauer, BOKU, Austria

Whereas the first day took place under the heading precision farming, where Prof. Gronauer presented current trends and results from his research group at BOKU University, on the second day Iris Kral paved the way for all tractor connoisseurs with her insights on "Automated versus manual steering durnig grassland harvest operations in Western Austria". Javier Lizasoain however focused on agricultural biomass and their use in his speech "Maize straw for anaerobic digestion: technologies to open new resources".


