9th CASEE Conference - Session 4

9th CASEE Conference - Session 4

Session 4: Environmental safety and climate change


Dr. Elena Mateescu, General Manager of the National Meteorological Agency, Associate professor of USAMV Bucharest, Romania
Assoc. Prof. dr Michal Lostak, CULS, Czech Republic

The session on environmental safety and climate change was addressed only by 4 presentations. Although the number looks small, the presentations targeted various issues and demonstrated the heterogeneity of approaches and topics in the field of environmental safety and climatic change. Very good demonstration of how board the field is and what might be the interesting research topic was the first presentation of S. Saremesic linking economic approach to ecosystem services with the question of ecological intensification in the case of Serbia. The second presentation of A. Pasca highlighted the use of GIS to calculate various temperature and precipitation maps for assessing land qualities. Again as in the case of the first presentation this topic also proved how broad the issues of ecological change is. F. Raicu in the third presentation targeted the food quality and demonstrated how it is linked to environmental safety. The case of animal food products analysed through Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry was used to show the links. The fourth presentation was delivered by G. Risnoveanu. It was a presentation informing about CEEPUS network Ecology and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems in Central, East and Southeast Europe. This presentation was valuable because it showed CASEE participants the importance of such network as CASEE. Highly important were the discussions after every presentations. International atmosphere supported the exchange of ideas and suggestions which was a good impetus for the future work in the field.
