Photo Contest 2011

Photo Contest 2011

CASEE Photo Contest
Life Sciences in Central and South Eastern Europe

First prize: Danube by Daria Sikorska, WULS                                                         

wetland_vegetation__vitasovi_honorary_prize_casee_photo_contest_2011The CASEE network invited all CASEE students and staff members to participate in a photo contest to find the most representative images for CASEE. 

CASEE's aims are:
•    to strengthen research, education and University Development in this region
•    to develop joint research, educational and other projects (e.g. joint curricula, joint continuous educational offers, structural development, human resource development, QA, know-how-transfer, e.g. via an e-platform…)

In the contest we were looking for pictures which illustrate one or more of these aims and point out the common grounds of the Danube region and Life Sciences.

Next to our logo the pictures will form the basis four CASEEs corporate design and will be used on our homepage and on printing material.

The prizes were awarded at the CASEE Conference, April 28-29, 2011 in Gödöllö, Hungary (first prize: free registration to the conference and a surprise).

Honorary Prize: Wetland Vegetation by Ivana Vitasovic Kosic, University of Zagreb


ivzw - International Non-Profit Organization
Registration number (ondernemingsnummer): 0546.953.997