Scientific Sessions and Instructions for Authors

Programme of the scientific sessions is available in PDF: programme version 18/06/2022


 Instructions for Participating Authors

oral presentations                     


  1. oral presentation slot has 20 minutes, 10-15 minutes presentation and 5-10 minutes for questions from the audience
  2. a detailed programme will be released in mid-June; there, you will be able to find when your presentation is scheduled
  3. there will be several parallel sessions
  4. we kindly ask you to prepare a presentation in the form of a slideshow (PowerPoint/Prezi/Impress or similar)
  5. as a backup, you are encouraged to save the presentation also as PDF
  6. the final version of your slideshow should be submitted to conference organisers to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; you may send it to us as an attachment or as a link to an online repository such as OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Wetransfer or similar; deadline for submission of the slideshow is 20 June 2022.
  7. FOR ONLINE PARTICIPANTS: you will be able to share your screen directly in MS Teams; if any technical problem would prevent you from sharing the presentation slides directly, our technical staff will be ready to share the slideshow you submitted to us by the deadline
    1. Guide how to share a screen in MS Teams 
    2. Guide hot to join MS Teams meeting in your web-browser

poster presentations

  1. the conference poster session is scheduled for Thursday afternoon, 23 June; every author will be asked to introduce his or her poster during 3 minutes pitch, which will be followed by 2 minutes for questions
  2. you are kindly asked to install your poster on the preset location no later than 1 pm on Wednesday, 23 June; your poster location will be assigned to you during registration
  3. recommended poster size is A1 or A0
  4. posters are not printed by conference organisers, please, bring your poster already printed
  5. magnets, pins and other fixing material for posters will be provided by conference organisers


CASEE Conference Scientific Sessions


  • Sustainable agriculture and forestry
  • Current issues of the agricultural economy, rural development and landscape planning
  • Global trends and challenges in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine
  • Climate-smart agriculture and food security
  • Digital agriculture and engineering
  • Environment in the context of climate change

Sustainable agriculture and forestry


The aim of sustainable agriculture is to supply sufficient food, feed, biomass and other raw-materials while safeguarding natural resources, such as water, soil and biodiversity, without compromising the ability of current or future generations to meet their needs. The trends of sustainable agriculture are oriented toward increasing the quality and value of agricultural products by delivering more sustainable and productive agriculture, including animal husbandry and forestry systems, which are diverse, resilient and resource-efficient.  The trends of forestry are focused on the further development of production and sustainability of resource-efficient forestry systems, which are instrumental in the strengthening of forest resilience and biodiversity protection and which can meet increased biomass demand.


Current issues of the agricultural economy, rural development and landscape planning

Agriculturaleconomics covers a wide range of issues like applied areas, having considerable overlap withconventional economics. It covers a wide range of matters concerning development, trade, macroeconomic policy implications,agribusinessproductionandconsumption, all the way to environmental and resource issues. The principles and methods of landscape planning need to be considered in the context of the environmental aspects of the national policy and national planning. The idea of environmentally sustainable development is a powerful factor currently determining strategic trends in approaches to the policy. Nature and environmental protection are viewed alongside economics as equally important goals.


Global trends and challenges in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine

Global trends in animal husbandry are oriented to address a challenge due to the necessity to produce larger quantities of high quality and affordable animal products in response to an increasing global demand while making that production systems sustainable from environmental, social and economic points of view.  The challenges in animal husbandry are oriented to foster innovation adoption, to consolidation strategies, increasing productivity efficiencies, a fair distribution of profits along the food chain, economies of scale, which are focused on producing high quality, value-added products. Veterinary medicine is oriented to produce new drugs or vaccines and analysing thetissue cultureto improveagricultural productivity, quality, diversity and species protection.


Climate-smart agriculture and food security

   Climate-smart agriculture is an approach that involves increasing agricultural productivity by transforming and managing landscapes and agricultural systems to ensure food security keeping climate change in mind. The key objectives of Climate smart agriculture are sustainably improving agricultural productivity, building flexibility toclimate change, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, wherever possible. The Climate Smart Agriculture approach simultaneously addresses food security and climate change while contributing to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.


Digital agriculture and engineering

The current agriculture has converged with technologies such as information technology, biotechnology and environmental technology. It mainly focuses on areas such as cost reduction during production level, reduction in labour burden, high quality and organic production, and quality management in facilities. Digital agriculture and e engineering refer to the use of innovative agricultural technologies to collect, save, examine, and share electronic information along the agricultural value chain. It is also referred to as smart farming or e-agriculture. New technologies can provide the agricultural industry with ideas and a basis to make more informed decisions and improve crop productivity. Digital technologies provide farmers with the information and ability to meet these challenges and grab prospects for growth.


Environment in the context of climate change

Climate change affects all regions around the world. Climate change is human-induced, observed and projected long-term changes in climate averages, as well as climate variability, including anomalies such as droughts, severe storms and floods. Climate change is a development issue. In view of the possible impact of this phenomenon on many aspects of human life today, it is probably one of the important development issues. Adaptation involves taking action on the effects of climate change. This includes improving education, awareness and training on the impacts of climate change, as well as taking real steps such as planting drought-resistant plants and strengthening the protection.