Session II

Plant – Soil – Water Interaction

For the Session Plant – Soil – Water Interaction 42 abstracts were received of which 17 applied for oral presentations and 25 for posters. Finally, Session II consisted of 10 oral and 26 poster presentations. The first authors of the contributions were from institutions from Austria (3 oral presentations +1 poster), Croatia (3+0), Poland (0+4), Romania (0+3) and Serbia (4+18).

During the three parts of Session II at least 25 participants were in the auditorium and discussions were vivid. The fact that each presenter had 30 minutes at their disposal turned out to be very convenient because presenters were not under pressure and there was plenty of time for discussion, which was used with pleasure by all participants. The topics of the talks were variable.

The paper of Manschadi et al. focused on the improvement of phosphorus use efficiency and drought tolerance by improvement of root architecture.

Focus of the research of Matijević et al. was on the effect of salinity of irrigation water on photosynthesis of faba bean, which turned out to be more resistant to NaCl than strawberries and some other species.

Another paper, by Pejić et al., was also on irrigation, but of potato, where the authors noticed high influence of precipitation events during the growing season on irrigation efficiency and came to a conclusion as to the optimal soil moisture for this crop.

Pećinar et al. showed that the watering regime affects anatomical properties of pericarp cells of tomato, although the fruit size remains unchanged.

The subject of a paper by Josimov-Dunđerski et al. was the efficiency of constructed wetland systems used for purification of municipal waste waters, where phosphorus removal from waste waters remains the biggest challenge.

Bogunović and Kisić compared the effect of conventional and no-tillage systems on soil water content and concluded that in Central Croatia there are no significant differences.

The following two talks were on lysimeter measurements. Bubalo et al. studied nitrate-nitrogen leaching in diverse hydrological conditions in Varaždin county (Croatia) with pronounced annual variation of nitrate concentrations in the leachate. Fuhrmann et al. showed results of a long-term lysimeter experiment to assess the environmental fate and transport of chloridazon and its metabolites in the soil – plant – water system.

The Session II was concluded by the talk of Tinter et al in which the project “BOKU-Mobil” was presented as an example how scientific work can be translated in an illustrative way to raise public soil awareness.

Generally, the presentations demonstrated the high scientific standards in the CASEE partner institutions and highlighted the role of integrated soil – plant – water research for shaping the more sustainable land use systems of tomorrow. The discussions also showed that the gap between scientific knowledge of soil and water management and implementation into practice and legislative frameworks needs to be closed by raising the awareness of responsible stakeholders and the public.

Ivana Maksimović (University of Novi Sad)



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