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Review CASEE conference 2017 - EFNet Session

During the 8th CASEE conference 2017 held at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in May 2017 different scientific workshops and sessions were offered. These sessions served for presenting the latest scientific results in order to promote research and educational activities, to further enhance one’s network and partnerships, to exchange ideas as well as promote scientific information interchange.

The so-called EFNet Session (Experimental Farm Network) was designed as a workshop on applied farming techniques. Take a look at the program of the upcoming 9th CASEE conference at USAMV Bucharest in June 2018 - EFNet will provide a workshop with latest news about their experimental stations. Focal points will be experiences with teaching at experimental farms, special methods of experiments at EF, new results of experiments at EF, presentation of different EF, special trainings for EFnet members.

Thematic sessions of the 8th CASEE conference 2017:

  • Session I: “Modern agriculture and rural development (including landscape planning)”
  • Session II: “Renewable resources – possibilities and constraints (including forests and biotechnology)”
  • Session III: “Sustainable food systems and quality”
  • Session IV: “Environmental safety and climate change”
  • Session V: “Agricultural engineering” (in cooperation with ATAE, implementing a new partnership into the CASEE conferences)
  • Poster Session
  • “Experimental Farm Network (EFNet) Workshop”

Chair: Prof. Peter Cepuder, BOKU Vienna, Austria

The session concentrating on applied farming techniques consisted of six presentations from five different universities exchanging knowledge about their experimental stations followed by lively discussions and ideas how to cooperate further. Since a hands-on focus drives towards immediate action, the EFNet group was invited to see the WULS Wilanow-Obory Experimental Station on Tuesday morning, where they were shown around by their Polish colleagues.

Presentations & results: